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Eden Mills, VT 05653

Patrick Ford-Torrani makes objects in service to everyday use. His focus is spoons and bowls for cooking and serving handmade in a heritage process of honed tools and skilled hand. He carefully harvests wood specific for each project from pruned apple branches from Eden, Vermont. The handsome textures left behind by each knife stroke reveal the story of it's creation and touch of the hand of the maker. He makes the objects for a lifetime of use in which the user begins to patina the objects with the story of their lifetime.



Making talisman of the human experience Torrani Studio Craft works with wood in a communion of natural material, simple honed tools and skilled hands. These objects are made to be held, used and passed along for generations. The rhythmic textures remind the hand of a process, maker and a connection to our shared human heritage. Each spoon, bowl or cup is made in a singular process with attention to detail and heirloom quality. 
